회사소개물, 환경, 에너지 그리고 사람, 웰크론한텍


MAIN Company Group


Global Top-Tier Company for Water, Energy, Eco, HealthWelcron Group is currently becoming a true group company.

Welcron Group started out in 1992 as an industrial textile business. After 20 years, it is now becoming a true group company, combining consumer goods and industrial goods, from industrial textile, functional hygiene products, energy plant, and petrochemistry plant.

Welcron Group is leading Korea’s economy in many different industries, including Welcron, which is leading the industrial textile market, Welcron Hantec with the biggest share in Korea in the field of energy-saving equipment, Welcron Healthcare which is leading the oriental medicine hygienic product market, Welcron Global Vina which is the overseas production base and the global market base of Welcron Group, Elis Hydro which is a company that specializes in water treatment, and Jeju Green Power, a company that specializes in renewable energy through waste recycling.

From now, Welcron Group select health, water, energy, and environment as its core project of future growth engine, and will make a leap forward to become a global company that represents Korea.