사이버PR물, 환경, 에너지 그리고 사람, 웰크론한텍

Personal Information Processing Policies

MAIN Cyber PR Personal Information Processing Policies

Welcron Hantec Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") values the principals of personal information of an information entity and thus establishes [Personal Information Processing Policies] to comply with relevant laws including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Table of Contents

Article 1 General Provisions

"Personal information" is information about an individual who is alive, and can be identified by name, resident registration number, and the like (which can be easily identified and combined with other information even if the individual cannot be identified by the certain information alone).

A "principal of personal information" is a person who can be identified by the information processed and is the principal of the personal information.

The Companyshall notify of its personal information processing policies on the first page of its website so that people can easily check them at any time. In case of revising the personal information processing policies, we will notify such changes on the website (or via individual notice).

Article 2 Type of Personal Information Subject to Collection and Processing, and the Purposes of its Collection

The Company processes personal information to the minimum extent necessary to provide its service.

1. Types of Personal Information Subject to Collection

1) Types of personal information that are automatically generated and collected during the course of using the website; IP information, log of service usage, access log, cookies, and MAC address.

2) Types of personal information collected for making inquiries to The Company.

Name, phone number, mobile phone, and E-mail

2. Purposes of Processing Personal Information

1) Stable service operation and quality improvement by analyzing users' service usage such as access frequency and/ or by collecting statistics on service usage

2) To answer and contact customers' inquiries

Article 3 Periods of Processing and Retaining Personal Information

The Company shall immediately destroy personal information upon achieving its purposes to collect and use personal information; provided, however, the following information will be kept for the specified period for the following reasons and The Company gets consent from the principals of personal information.

1. Types of personal information that are automatically generated and collected during the course of using the website

- Retention period: 6 months

- Reason for retention: Identification of access frequency and collection of statistics on service use.

2. Types of personal information collected for responding to customers' inquiries

- Retention period: After the goals of collection are achieved or one year.

- Reason for retention: Q & A and dispute resolution

Article 4 Destruction of Personal Information

The Company shall immediately destroy personal information upon achieving its purposes to collect and use personal information.

If The Company needs to retain personal information that was consented from the principal ofpersonal information longer than an agreed-upon period, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database or to a new place of storage.

The methods of destructing personal information are as follows:

1. Record of personal information stored and saved in an electronic file format shall be destroyed via a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.

2. Personal information stored and saved in paper documents shall be shredded or incinerated to destroy.

Article 5 Third Party Provision of Personal Information

The Company shall use personal information within the scope of its purposes for which it collects personal information, and does not use or share personal information with third parties. However, the following cases shall be excluded:

1. If the Company has received consent from the principal of personal information,

2. If there are special provisions in other laws,

3. If the principal of personal information or his or her legal representative is unable to give his / her consent, or is unable to obtain prior consent due to reasons such as unknown address, and it is regarded necessary for the benefits of the principal to disclose personal information,

4. If the Company provides personal information in a form that is unrecognizable to identify a specific individual and it is necessary for statistical writing and academic research,

5. If it is impossible for the Company to perform the duties prescribed by laws if it does not use personal information out of the scope of its purposes or transfer such information to a third party, in which case the Company shall get a review and vote from the Protection Board,

6. When it is necessary to provide personal information to a foreign government or international organization for the implementation of treaties or other international agreements,

7. When it is necessary to provide personal information for investigating and prosecuting criminal offenses,

8. Where necessary for the court to perform judicial functions, and

9. When necessary for the execution of penal servitude and detention.

Article 6 Consignment of Personal Information Processing Work

The Company shall entrust the following personal information processing work for smooth business processing and stipulate necessary matters so that personal information can be managed safely in accordance with related laws and regulations.

1. Website Operation

- Trustee: Design Hub

- Contents of commissioned work: Homepage maintenance, system management, etc.

- Retention of personal information and usage period: Until the stated retention period and reason ends.

Article 7 Rights and Obligations of Personal Information Principals and Ways to Exercise their Rights and Obligations

The principal of personal information may exercise any of the following privacy rights against the Company at any time:

1. Request to see personal information,

2. Request to modify personal information if there is an error,

3. Request to delete personal information, and

4. Request to stop processing personal information.

The rights to personal information may be exercised by written letter or e-mail to the Company and the Company shall immediate take appropriate actions.

In the event that the principal of personal information has requested correction or deletion of personal information, the Company shall not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.

Rights can be exercised through a legal representative of the principal of personal information or a person entrusted with such rights, in which case a power of attorney shall be submitted.

Article 8 Measures to Ensure the Stability of Personal Information

The Company takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

1. Management measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular training of staff, etc.

2. Technical measures: Installation of access control systems, encryption of important information, prevention of damages caused by computer virus using anti-virus programs, Security Socket Layer (SSL)-using algorithms, operation of anti-intrusion systems, etc.

3. Physical measures: Access control of computer room, data storage room, etc.

Article 9 Matters Concerning the Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Collection of Personal Information

The Company operates 'cookies' that store and find your information from time to time. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser by the server used to run the Company's web site, and are stored on your computer's hard disk.

The Company uses cookies for the following purposes:

1. Analyze and track frequency of access and visit time

You have the option of installing cookies. Therefore, you may allow all cookies by setting options to allow such cookies in your web browser, check each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.

To decline cookies, you can either accept all cookies, check each time you save cookies, or refuse to save all cookies by selecting the option for your web browser.

How to set your computer (in case of using Internet Explorer): Tools> Internet Options> Personal Information at the top of web browser. However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing our service.

Article 10 Person in Charge of Personal Information Protection

In order to protect personal information and to deal with complaints related to personal information processing, the Company has designated the person in charge of protecting personal information and a related department as follows:

1. The person in charge of protecting personal information

- Name: Jung Seong-Sik

- Position: Director

- Contact: + 82) 2-2107-6741, cfo@welcron.com

2. Department in charge of personal information

- Department name: Management Supporting Team

- Person in charge: Wi Dong-Hee

- Contact: + 82) 70-7330-6917, dnlehdgml@hantec.co.kr

You may ask questions about personal information, file a complaint, or seek remedy for damages generated during the course of using our service to the person and/ or department in charge. The Company will respond promptly to inquiries from the principal of personal information.

If you need to report or consult about privacy infringement, please contact the following organizations:

- Personal Information Infringement Report Center (privacy.kisa.or.kr / 118)

- Dispute Mediation Committee (www.kopico.go.kr / 1833-6972)

- Cyber Investigation Division of Supreme Prosecutors' Office (www.spo.go.kr / 1301)

- Cyber Security Bureau, National Police Agency (cyberbureau.police.go.kr / 182)

Article 11 Change of Personal Information Processing Policies

This personal information processing policies will take effect on August 1, 2018.